Nutrients – we need them all.

Solutions for health is balance – balance of day and night, exercise and rest, food and a break from food (intermittent fasting can be a slightly longer night without carbohydrates or calorie foods). Nutrients in balance with each other, and in balance with the need for detox of toxins, whether from internal metabolic activity or from external contaminants coming in or accumulating from food, water, air, or medications and supplements.

Be cautious when reading ingredient lists to examine the extra fillers and capsule ingredients. Commercial animal sourced gelatin would likely contain glyphosate – look for organic or vegan capsules.

Interesting fact – your body is made of nutrients and toxins and health involves having a healthier ratio of more nutrients and fewer toxins.

Solutions to Chimeric Protein & other Chronic degenerative disease.

I made a slide presentation that is also available as an audio/video podcast interview ( The interview is lengthy, watch or listen in sections maybe (2 hours or so). Or the Twitter Thread I wrote has some summary points for each slide, which are available as individual images in the Thread, for easy resharing or saving of individual slides. The Twitter Thread unroll can also be read as one page. Or the pdf is in my Dropbox.

Health is worth the effort, and improvements are possible, even if restoring former health may not be – infection or vaccine immune challenges may increase risk for autoimmune antibody reactions occurring to frequently eaten food proteins.

Slideshow: Solutions for Chimeric Protein Effects

Solutions for Chimeric Protein Effects (on

An additional resource, written for health professionals:

Nutrigenomics and Immune function course syllabus with over 300 page pdf of slides.

Beta-Glucan & Immune Modulation, p 54 – Beta-glucan is in oat bran, barley, mushrooms, and Nutritional Yeast Flakes or Deactivated Baker’s Yeast which is sold as a dietary supplement (may be wheat based).
The Science and Clinical Application of Nutrigenomic Genetics, April 2019,

Health is a balance of enough good stuff, and not too much bad stuff – basic but true. We can get bad stuff from the environment: food, air, water, supplements, medications, topical cosmetics or other products, or from exposure to pathogens. The more well nourished we are the better armed our defense systems are for detoxing or removing the negative chemicals or pathogens. Think of nutrients as the gasoline for our car engine – and also the oil, the windshield wiper, radiator, and transmission fluids – the car needs many things – air in the tires too – and exercise. If you don’t drive your car very often the fluid lines can clog and then your brakes freeze up and you need a tow – word to the wise – keep all your fluids topped up every day, or regularly at least.

What is a modern human made out of – at the quarkian level the elemental, atomic structural level?

Nanotechnology research provided me the basic recipe for what a modern human is made of, interestingly enough there is a higher level of both fluoride and bromide in the body of a current human being, than iodine (see excerpted Table 3-1), by number of atoms. Yet the weight, the Atomic Mass, of iodine is much larger, heavier, than bromide, fluoride or chloride can also be substituted as a chemically similar type of atom. The group is called halides or halogens and are chemically reactive in a similar way but the lightest ones are the most reactive with fluorine being the smallest and most reactive. It is used in bomb making because it can act as a catalyst to get less reactive material to combust, catch on fire and lead to an explosion.

Table 3.1 represents an estimate of the number of atoms of the element present in a human body.

  • Iodine – Atomic mass: 126.90447 u – T.3.1: 5 x 10^19 ~ 634.52235 x 10^19 u
    • = 6.345 x 10^21 u
  • Bromine – Atomic mass: 79.904 u – T.3.1: 2 x 10^21 ~ 159.808 x 10^21 u
  • Chlorine – Atomic mass: 35.453 u – T.3.1: 1.6 x 10^24 ~ 56.725 x 10^24 u
  • Fluorine – Atomic mass: 18.998403 u T.3.1: 8.3 x 10^22 ~ 157.686745 x 10^22 u

Chlorine is an electrolyte that we need, so it makes sense that there is more of it than iodine by weight or number of atoms (chlorine ~ 56.725 x 10^24), but why is there less iodine: ~ 6.345 x 10^21 u; than bromine: 159.808 x 10^21; or fluorine: 157.687 x 10^22 u?

Scientific notation extended, Atomic mass of the estimated number of atoms in a modern human body:

  • Iodine ~ 6,345,000,000,000,000,000,000 u
  • Chlorine ~ 56,725,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 u
  • Bromine ~ 159,808,000,000,000,000,000,000 u
  • Fluorine ~ 1,576,867,450,000,000,000,000,000 u

Halides can be used in place of each other within molecules, if the iodine is not available, or there is simply far more of the bromine, fluorine or chlorine atoms available to the thyroid gland or other body part in need of iodine. Melanocytes in the skin also need iodine, in order to make melanin normally.

Autoimmune like vitiligo may involve an excess of other halides being present in the skin cell rather than having enough iodine available. The condition is linked to autoimmune thyroid disease, however this article, reviewing current information on the topic simply mentions that the two both have autoimmune antibodies as the link, with no mention that an excess of halides other than iodine might increase risk of autoimmune antibodies, or any mention of iodine at all…. (

Fluoride and bromide are chemically similar to iodine and may be used by the body in place of iodine, but the mis-made chemical will not be able to function normally. The iodine is needed. This means that every single double blind study in published medical research likely didn’t exclude people with subclinical hypothyroidism. Lab tests will show the ‘presence’ of adequate levels of thyroid hormone, while the person is experiencing symptoms of iodine deficiency. When low iodine levels are available the thyroid gland will produce thyroid hormone that incorporates flouride or bromide or chloride instead of atoms of iodine.

Low iodine and excess bromide and fluoride may also be a causal factor in fibrocystic breast pain and may increase risk for breast cancer.

Excerpt from Chapt. 3 Table of Contents : 3.1 Human Body Chemical Composition

The human body consists of ~7 x 1027 atoms arranged in a highly aperiodic physical structure. Although 41 chemical elements are commonly found in the body’s construction (Table 3-1), CHON comprises 99% of its atoms. Fully 87% of human body atoms are either hydrogen or oxygen.

Table 3-1. Estimated Atomic Composition of the Lean 70-kg Male Human Body
(compiled & adapted from [749, 751-752, 817])

Element Sym # of Atoms Element Sym # of Atoms Element Sym # of Atoms
Hydrogen H 4.22 x 1027 Rubidium Rb 2.2 x 1021 Zirconium Zr 2 x 1019
Oxygen O 1.61 x 1027 Strontium Sr 2.2 x 1021 Cobalt Co 2 x 1019
Carbon C 8.03 x 1026 Bromine Br 2 x 1021 Cesium Cs 7 x 1018
Nitrogen N 3.9 x 1025 Aluminum Al 1 x 1021 Mercury Hg 6 x 1018
Calcium Ca 1.6 x 1025 Copper Cu 7 x 1020 Arsenic As 6 x 1018
Phosphorus P 9.6 x 1024 Lead Pb 3 x 1020 Chromium Cr 6 x 1018
Sulfur S 2.6 x 1024 Cadmium Cd 3 x 1020 Molybdenum Mo 3 x 1018
Sodium Na 2.5 x 1024 Boron B 2 x 1020 Selenium Se 3 x 1018
Potassium K 2.2 x 1024 Manganese Mn 1 x 1020 Beryllium Be 3 x 1018
Chlorine Cl 1.6 x 1024 Nickel Ni 1 x 1020 Vanadium V 8 x 1017
Magnesium Mg 4.7 x 1023 Lithium Li 1 x 1020 Uranium U 2 x 1017
Silicon Mg 3.9 x 1023 Barium Ba 8 x 1019 Radium Ra 8 x 1010
Fluorine F 8.3 x 1022 Iodine I 5 x 1019      
Iron Fe 4.5 x 1022 Tin Sn 4 x 1019      
Zinc Zn 2.1 x 1022 Gold Au 2 x 1019 TOTAL   6.71 x 1027

Somatic atoms are generally present in combined form as molecules or ions, not individual atoms. The molecules of greatest nanomedical interest are incorporated into cells or circulate freely in blood plasma or the interstitial fluid. Table 3-2 summarizes the gross molecular contents of the typical human cell, which is 99.5% water and salts, by molecule count, and contains ~5000 different types of molecules. Appendix B lists 261 of the most common molecular and cellular constituents of human blood, and their normal concentrations in whole blood and plasma. This listing is far from complete. The human body is comprised of ~105 different molecular species, mostly protein, but nonetheless finite molecular parts list. By 1997, at least ~104 of these proteins had been sequenced, ~103 had been spatially mapped, and ~7,000 structures (including proteins, peptides, viruses, protein/nucleic acid complexes, nucleic acids, and carbohydrates) had been registered in the Protein Data Bank maintained at Brookhaven National Laboratory [1144]. It is likely that the sequences and 3-D or tertiary structures of all human proteins will have been determined by the second decade of the 21st century, given the current accelerating pace of improving technology [1145].

Transporting and sorting such a broad range of essential molecular species will be an important basic capability of many nanomedical systems. The three principal methods for distinguishing and conveying molecules that are most useful in nanomedicine are diffusion transport (Section 3.2), membrane filtration (Section 3.3), and receptor-based transport (Section 3.4). The chapter ends with a brief discussion of binding site engineering (Section 3.5).

Table 3-2. Estimated Gross Molecular Contents of a Typical 20-micron Human Cell
(compiled and revised from [398, 531, 758-760, 938])

Molecule Mass % MW (daltons) # Molecules Molecule % Number of
Molecular Types
Water 65% 18 1.74 x 1014 98.73 % 1
Other Inorganic 1.5% 55 1.31 x 1012 0.74 % 20
Lipid 12% 700 8.4 x 1011 0.475 % 50
Other Organic 0.4% 250 7.7 x 1010 0.044 % ~200
Protein 20% 50,000 1.9 x 1010 0.011 % ~5,000
RNA 1.0% 1 x 106 5 x 107 3 x 10-5 % —-
DNA 0.1% 1 x 1011 46 3 x 10-11 % —-
TOTALS 100% —- 1.76 x 1014 100% —-
   Chapt. 3 Table of Contents
Full text pdf, Chapter 3, Nanomedicine Vol 1: Basic Capabilities, Robert A. Freitas Jr.
Research Fellow, 1999, Institute for Molecular Manufacturing, Palo Alto, California, U.S.A.

Note that the Table is from a 1999 textbook – so the current human body likely has an even greater ratio of bromide and fluoride content to the amount of iodine present. This information is not being studied or provided to patients for patient care purposes, instead this information seems to be being suppressed, purposefully. Medical students do not seem to be taught about the need for iodine supplementation for hypothyroidism and it is not typically prescribed. If the thyroid is low in iodine then every other gland in the body will be even lower in iodine levels because the thyroid gets first grabs, so to speak.

Fibrocystic breast pain and breast cancer or prostate cancer may be increased risks of having low iodine levels and elevated bromide or fluoride levels. Many common medications contain bromide or fluoride – it is hard for the body to remove so it seems to increase the ‘efficacy’ effect of a medication – gets the med into the body and then the body can’t get rid of it easily. Considering bromide and fluoride has accumulative risk of toxicity – that seems like a bad plan in my opinion.

Buyer be wary of western medical system guidance.

Disclaimer: This information is provided for educational purposes within the guidelines of fair use. While I am a Registered Dietitian this information is not intended to provide individual health guidance. Please see a [*functional] health professional for individual health care purposes.

Individual Nutrition assessment – an example chart note

What is health care? What is included in an individualized health care appointment?

The answer varies with the type of specialist you are seeing – and what they are allowed to do within their facilities’, or the individual’s insurance plans protocols.

My nutrition counseling experience was in prenatal/early childhood, and residential (nursing home) facilities.

Chart notes would be written for high risk clients when working in either role. Occasionally the nutrition assessment and recommendations note would be sent to the physician directly if very high risk.

As a preventive health focused prenatal/early childhood counselor, or for residential facility chart review (nutrition assessments of all nursing home residents considered high risk nutritionally, occasionally would include an in person visit with the resident to visually observe and ask further questions about their health and diet symptoms.

Patients typically do not see a chart note. They might be given the ‘Problem’ and ‘Assessment’ sections as an action list of recommendations on a simpler handout. The medical chart has a Care Plan section where recommendations for a daily change in care might be added – such as adding a high protein snack in the evening.

I would typically spend a half hour to an hour per client and writing a good note might take an additional 15 minutes. Current insurance standards have been set which limit physicians to 15 minutes per patient appointment – and only scheduling/discussing one symptom per appointment. That would make a differential diagnosis fairly impossible.

  • The entirety of a person’s symptoms – and what makes the problems worse, and what seems to improve things – is what provides clues to the underlying issues that may have led to the increased inflammation and/or decreased function.
  • Health is a balance of not too much inflammatory response -> autoimmune or allergies – or too little -> rampant infection and catching every cold.
  • Health is also a balance of enough nutrients and not too many toxins to cope with, whether from air, water, food, or touch, or from internal production of stress chemicals caused by emotional or physical stress.

Autoimmune issues are particularly challenging because many odd symptoms can occur, and more than one type of autoimmune antibody may be involved – not just one ‘autoimmune disease’ – several. Low vitamin D makes autoimmune issues more likely to occur, and low magnesium can make low vitamin D more likely – even with supplements of vitamin D.

Low magnesium also increases inflammation symptoms, pain, and anxiety, depression or anger and irritability.

A physician might look at my example note (below) and think: ‘but this is not my field‘ — exactly — please refer to the specialist – a registered dietitian or clinically trained nutritionist. Caution, there are many ‘nutrition certification’ programs online which are not equivalent to a college education, internship, and the equivalent of a lawyer’s Board Exam.

The client gave permission to share the write-up for educational purposes or maybe to help someone. Patients know that pain hurts, and that health is better. Too often I hear from physicians something like ~ ‘we don’t know what is causing this, … so the patient will probably die‘ – but it is regarding symptoms that likely involve nutrient deficiency.

Even sick patients need to eat or be fed and their nutrient needs are likely increased, or decreased, due to the illness, for a few specific nutrients affecting or being used in excess by the underlying issue. Telling a patient there is no hope is providing a nocebo – a negative expectation. Saying “I don’t know,” – when that is the true situation – would at least not be setting up a roadblock for the patient to seek further information or a second opinion.

If in reading my example chart note*, as a physician, you think, ‘but this is not my field‘ — exactly — you are correct – but it is the patient’s whole health that matters, not just symptoms that may be temporarily controllable by medications.

SOAPE note

The SOAPE chart note* below, is an extended version compared to what would be likely to be written in a patient chart. SOAPE note: Subjective, what the client said; Objective, what the clinician observed; Assessment; what the clinician believes may be underlying issues; Problem/Plan, recommendations being made by the clinician; Evaluation – an opinion statement about the likelihood of positive change, based on the overall attitude or motivation the client is presenting and social factors that may impact the client positively or negatively.

I included extra information that might be in a report to the client, with the education they might need to understand the reasoning for the recommendation, or how to proceed. Complex strategies can take several weeks of a class like setting possibly with cooking and tasting demonstrations. My web pages and posts try to provide self care guidance so a motivated learner could just try things and see if they help.

I added some additional info links for the version in this post, to pages or posts that provide some next step guidance, Gluten Free diet? what is that? The products on the market are not ideal suppliers of nutrients in my personal and professional opinion and learning how to bake gluten free can be healthier and less expensive for the nutrient value. My websites are my file cabinet of patient handouts, some of it.

While working as a public health nutrition counselor I did occasionally write a very thorough note for someone with a complicated case, and send it to the client’s physician on their or their child’s behalf.

Nutrient deficiencies can lead to death (niacin/pellagra example) – and can turn around dramatically very shortly after the nutrients and any cofactors are provided (nutrients are a team – refeed gradually and in balance).

Sometimes nutrition care is a life or death situation. Continue the nutrient deficiencies and deterioration can be rapid, and death can be the result. Niacin deficiency, pellagra, has a nickname for symptoms – the four D’s: “Pellagra defines systemic disease as resulting from a marked cellular deficiency of niacin. It is characterized by 4 “D’s”: diarrhea, dermatitis, dementia, and death.” (1) If there is severe lower leg rash and edema – suspect a B vitamin deficiency.

Nutrition assessment


  1. CoV like symptoms, mild, ~ early outbreak mid 2020, left a new problem, 2. swollen throat, reflux like pain/not quite reflux though, flair up of CoV symptoms again later when family had it 2021, again not too bad. 
  2. Swollen throat symptoms – has had labs showing autoimmune thyroid condition.
  3. Thyroid symptoms had improved a year or so earlier after stopping use of wheat/gluten and dairy. Recently started using ginger tea for the throat problem and it sooths. Hasn’t used long term, recent addition. 
  4. Reading about eosinophilic esophagitis did not sound like the problem. 
  5. Reading about histamine/MCAS symptoms did sound like it might be a problem. Tomato/salsa particularly, chicken causes congestion. Likes to drink orange juice.


  1. Pale complection, may suggest magnesium deficiency/low vitamin D, low level anemia of chronic inflammation possibly.
  2. Throat visibly enlarged in pattern of enlarged thyroid gland 


  1. CoV, even with mild symptoms, may have increased autoimmune antibodies, or created new types. Pale complection may suggest magnesium deficiency/low vitamin D, low level anemia of chronic inflammation possibly.
  2. Enlarged thyroid gland would be likely to cause difficulty swallowing at times, particularly if a food flair of the underlying autoimmune antibody sensitivity. (The thyroid gland presses inwards also and can narrow the throat significantly – *personal experience from also being an autoimmune thyroid patient, swallowing a large supplement can be very painful, and may feel stuck even.)
    1. Eosinophilic esophagitis might also be adding to swallowing symptoms if early stages, wouldn’t be causing as severe reflux symptoms as a more advanced case which is more likely to be what is described in articles about the problem. Food sensitivities are the most frequent cause and include gluten, dairy, eggs, and other common food sensitivity foods.
  3. Autoimmune thyroiditis can be a gluten molecular mimicry problem – the thyroid hormone chemically is similar to the gluten molecule. 
  4. Autoimmune antibodies to other food chemicals might also flair up an underlying autoimmune overactive eosinophile problem, white blood cells. Ginger contains a chemical similar to albumin and an egg sensitivity might be triggered by a sudden increase in use of ginger – or chicken – or eggs, or any animal product containing albumin. *also learned from personal experience – this can be a significant problem – I developed sensitivity to eggs and gradually realized I needed to exclude all sources of albumin or my symptoms would flair up again (non healing rash, not quite eczema – more wounds, lack of skin regrowth).
    1. An apparent ‘wheat/gluten’ sensitivity might be an albumin sensitivity, see one of my early posts with the information about plant albumin in wheat and ginger: Wheat is rich in albumin – so are ginger and egg whites.
  5. Histamine sensitivity seems a problem worth working on by decreasing trigger foods. Orange juice could be an additive problem food. The total load is part of the problem but even small amounts can set off the allergy cells that increase inflammatory cytokines and pain/inflammation signals – swollen, itchy, sore throat, dry eyes, but it can also effect mood when a more severe problem – extreme anxiety and fear, or out of control, hyper-excitable.


  1. Elevated iron and symptoms of anemia of chronic inflammation may be a lingering CoV effect or of autoimmune conditions – it can be common to have several types of autoimmune antibodies also, and there has been cases of LongCovid where autoimmune antibodies were found. The spike lodges in a receptor and antibodies are made against the receptor, instead of against spike.. 
    1. Iron chelators may help mitigate chronic inflammation damage, restore energy level if that is a problem. The quercetin is one, continue regularly, opposite the niacin protocol if following that., or eat more of the good plant sources of a few, EGCG, pomegranate peel, green tea, oregano, olive leaf extract, there are many see the Iron chelator section of this Resources & Iron Chelators list
    2. Epsom salt soaks for a topical source of magnesium, help immune function, energy level, fluid balance. Continue if already using or start 1-3 times a week.
    3. Sunshine or Full spectrum light 20-30 minutes per day and or a moderate dose vitamin D3 ~ 600-1000 IU. 
    4. Avoid glyphosate residue. Consider supplementing with DMG, dimethylglycine, bulk powder, 1/2 spoonful once or twice a day in water or with a little juice and water. (too much juice is not really good for us).
  2. Thyroid problems in the modern world are likely related to excess fluoride and bromide and too little iodine. Cautiously increasing iodine and 200 mcg selenium may be helpful. Higher dose for one month can help the body to dump fluoride, bromide and chloride. When there is a lack of iodine the body will build molecules with the other halides, but then the thyroid hormone or other chemical won’t work right. Lab tests may show ‘normal’ levels of thyroid hormone but symptoms of hypothyroidism may still be present.
    1. In autoimmune conditions, when possible, it is essential to identify the trigger foods and strictly avoid them. It can take 6 months for antibodies to fade away, at which point symptoms should improve, but memory B cells still exist so even little tastes of the problem foods can set off a new 6 month batch of autoimmune antibodies that will attack the thyroid gland, or esophagus, or wherever else the problem point is located. 
    2. In this case eggs/chicken/ animal products/ ginger/ albumin /*hemp kernels too then/, may be part of the problem foods – 
    3. Elimination type diets that start with the least risky foods and gradually reintroduce things one at a time can be the best way to individualize what is the problem for you the individual. 
  3. Gluten was definitely identified as a part of the thyroid problem by removing, it already had helped to stop that. Dairy has a variety of allergens, and also would have albumin. Removing food triggers strictly, can help a swollen thyroid gland reduce in size – versus get more swollen when trigger foods are eaten.
    1. Gluten free baking recipes and tips for converting recipes: – G8. Cookies & Bean Soup. -> and it mentions that increasing corn or corn flour instead, is not ideal either. Corn or gluten can increase zonulin which also increases leaky membranes in the gut or blood brain barrier, and more open membranes can increase risk of allergens entering undigested from the diet. See: What is Zonulin? (2)
    2. A quick mix recipe that can be used for pancakes or muffins, a post: Pancakes in a Jiffy – Quick Bread Mix.
  4. Eosinophilic esophagitis may be related to food sensitivities, so as food elimination is attempted it would also be helpful to pay attention to the swallowing symptoms to see if change occurs other than the swollen pressure feeling of the enlarged thyroid gland.
    1. Research shows a strong connection between food allergies and eosinophilic esophagitis (EOE). These six foods are most commonly associated with this allergic response: dairy, wheat, soy, eggs, nuts, and seafood/shellfish. Unfortunately, there is no accurate test to identify food allergies* connected with EOE.” (3
    2. *The food sensitivity is not the same type as tested for people who get hives to peanut butter or eggs or are allergic to bee stings. It is food sensitivity that activates white blood cells though, called eosinophils. 
    3. During normal function eosinophils fight parasites for us. So …. Maybe they are doing something in ‘autoimmune disease’ that involves their normal function too fighting an unidentified parasite – or they are responding to chemicals of the six foods listed above in an allergy-like way. 
    4. Asthma and allergies involve increased eosinophil activity, which can lead to inflammation symptoms and tissue damage: “Eosinophils can consume foreign substances. For example, they fight substances related to parasitic infection that have been flagged for destruction by your immune system. Regulating inflammation. Eosinophils help promote inflammation, which plays a beneficial role in isolating and controlling a disease site.” […] “…eosinophils play a key role in the symptoms of asthma and allergies, such as hay fever. Other immune system disorders also can contribute to ongoing (chronic) inflammation.” (4
  5. Eliminating common histamine problem foods may help anxiety and inflammatory symptoms. Orange juice, tomatoes, fermented foods, or older leftovers, cranberries, others, it is a lengthy list but can make a huge difference *personal issue for me also.
    1. More info on page MCAS/Histamine, MCAS/HIstamine.
    2. Summary of foods to avoid, or a few helpful in an over-reaction: Histamine Food Lists. it is a document (6)


Client seems motivated and capable of making positive changes for improving health, cheerful and confident amid a complex set of problems, and has support of family.

So does my disclaimer make more sense now?

  • Disclaimer: This information is provided for educational purposes within the guidelines of fair use. While I am a Registered Dietitian this information is not intended to provide individual health guidance. Please see a health professional for individual health care purposes.

My professional and personal expectations of individualized health care guidance does not include a 15 minute appointment limited to discussing one symptom. In seeking a health care provider I recommend searching for ‘functional health’ or possibly holistic but that is less precisely used than ‘functional’. The orthomolecular approach is also whole body and restoring function oriented.

*am I taking clients? I am working in that direction but I am still in initial stages of having a system set up.

Change is easiest by just practicing the desired habit and the more often it is remembered, practiced, then the more that brain pathway will be strengthened and the old one is gradually deactivated, becomes harder for the nerve cells to fire instead of being an automatic habit like happens without even thinking consciously – to change that ingrained of a habit takes substituting a new pattern rather than trying to ‘attack’ with ‘will power’. Work with nature and it will work with you. Attack and it tends to have an undesired ripple effect.

Pain hurts, health is better.

We all die, the question is quality of life while living – and enjoying that life while living.

Namaste – the soul in me, sees the soul in you.

We are all children, under the care of Mother Nature and Father Sun.

Where there is light there is life, and there is hope.

Reference List

  1. Hegyi J, Schwartz RA, Hegyi V. Pellagra: dermatitis, dementia, and diarrhea. Int J Dermatol. 2004 Jan;43(1):1-5. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-4632.2004.01959.x. PMID: 14693013.
  2. What is Zonulin?
  3. 6 Food Elimination Eosinophilic Esophagitis,, 
  4. Eosinophilia, symptoms,,

Documents, Posts & Pages

  1. Wheat is rich in albumin – so are ginger and egg whites, post
  2. Resources & Iron Chelators list, document
  3. – G8. Cookies & Bean Soup, webpage
  4. Pancakes in a Jiffy – Quick Bread Mix. post
  5. MCAS/Histamine. webpage,
  6. Histamine Food Lists. document,

Funeral director speaks out – the excessive deaths are only happening now – and it is CoV vac and also euthanasia ‘treatment’ – caution and action is needed.

The funeral director, John O’Looney, shared in an earlier video that he had been asked to change his normal routine during the early pandemic for news footage – it made it seem worse than reality. Masking and biohazard gear was also used that he wouldn’t normally use. Later he realized how the fear building was set up and that it didn’t match what he was seeing in his funeral business.

More recently he did see a large increase in deaths and that is has been in people who were CoV vaccinated.

He stresses that there have been no deaths of children due to CoV infection, so, no need for an experimental treatment to protect them, yet – expect that the talk of ‘variants’ is likely going to be used to explain an increase in deaths this winter, after more children receive the CoV injections. (~ 21:00 minutes) Deaths have been mislabeled as Covid19, Mr. O’Looney gives several stories and said that he is also in communication with other funeral directors and is sharing an overview.

These graphs of death rates, are related in topic, but are not directly about the video above.

Number of vaccine doses administered – blue line; death rate for “Cause of death: ….not elsewhere classified “
Death rate for many diseases dropped at the same in history, around when clean water and sewage treatment became common. The drop occurred in infection types that had a vaccine introduced and in one’s that didn’t.

Beautiful bonus just for pretty –

focus on what is good and work to change what can be changed.

Disclaimer: This information is provided for educational purposes within the guidelines of fair use. While I am a Registered Dietitian this information is not intended to provide individual health guidance. Please see a health professional for individual health care purposes.

Nutrients may be false hope against the various risks, (videos), none or immediate removal? (cupping video).

More microscopic analysis found various unknown contaminants, and very damaged blood cells in samples of blood from CoV injected people compared to normal blood. The idea that detox is adequate protection may be false hope. If blood cell coagulation occurs extensively throughout the body – nothing can really stop that much of an over reaction.
My condolences.

Low mineral status may increase risk of a worse reaction within the blood to the suspected graphene oxide content of the CoV injections. Very high dose vitamin C is typically safe, however it can be a pro-oxidant too – and cause more oxidation. Lower doses of antioxidants or other types may be safer if CoV injections were received. Antioxidants are given for cytokine storm, extreme blood coagulation is a different type of over reaction.

Live contaminants may also be a concern.

A Thing has been found in CoV injection vials that may be a AI/tech Trypanosoma parasitic hybrid, which may be intended to promote changes in human genetic code, rather than just promote a temporary mRNA protein production. Unknown, but research exists on the topic.

Video of microscopic analysis by a physician (referred to as Dr. Peggy) with 30 years of experience looking at blood samples (over 60 vaccinated samples were examined).

  • Video with Dr. Peggy’s slide images: Scary new evidence: I can’t believe this is happening. (1)
Unknown ‘thing’ found by Dr. Peggy, in the blood sample of a CoV injected person. Scary new evidence: I can’t believe this is happening. (1)

The ‘graphene oxide’ like cluster may be crystalized nitric oxide. “It’s not graphene. It’s crystalized nitric oxide.” Frank J. Herrmann (2) Nitric oxide can be helpful in moderate amounts and become a problem in excessive levels which can occur in inflammatory situations. (3)

More information is in this article about the potential parasite/graphene oxide organism. Pay attention to the later section with an interview by Dr. Franc Zewlewski. The swabs used to ‘test’ with PCR screening are likely taking DNA samples.

  • Article and a video: Parasitic Organism Dubbed “The Thing” Found in COVID Vaccines | Dr. Franc Zalewski: “That’s Why There’s Graphene Added Inside the Vaccines, Which Nourishes the Egg” (9)

Dr. Franc Zewlewski also has an image of the swabs used to ‘test’ with PCR screening which suggest they are specialized devices for scraping off microscopic DNA samples of the person.

Bill Gates and Soros are two involved in purchasing the company that makes CoV swabs that were mentioned by Dr Franc Zalewski.

  • George Soros and Bill Gates Part of Team Purchasing COVID-19 Test Company. (5)

Graphene oxide, in medical research

The honeycomb pattern that forms with graphene oxide, in sheets or linear shapes, can be seen in the graphic below, via @CeceliaNordens1

”antibody-modified graphene oxide ” Strepatavin modified, building grapheneoxid, means the T-cell alteration is for building grapheneoxid, but causing mutations” – Cecelia Nordenstam, @CeceliaNordens1 Tweet: (6), included: ( 7 ) .

Adoptive T cell therapy, Chimeric antigen receptor-T cell, and alteration on NK-cells meaning vaccinated needs replacement therapy“, – @CeceliaNordens1, included: (8 ).

Example of antibody-modified graphene oxide for capturing CTCs. (A) A reduce graphene oxide film efficiently captures circulating tumor cells (CTCs) from clinical blood samples. (B) Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope (ESEM) image of the reduced graphene oxide (rGO) layer-by-layer structure, and (C) an anti-Epithelial cell adhesion molecule (EpCAM) -rGO film after capture CTCs. (D) The modification steps of anti-EpCAM-rGO film. (E) Schematic of CTC capture system using functionalized graphene oxide (GO) nanosheets on a patterned gold surface. (F) Example of antibody-modified graphene oxide for capturing CTCs. (F) Schematic of a polymer-GO microfluidic device. Figures (A-D) reproduced with permission of [77], Wiley © , 2015; (E) [76], Springer Nature © , 2013; (F) [81] Wiley © , 2016..” (7.1) (Chen et al., 2019) ( 7 )
  • Thread about the research on graphene oxide and parasite use : Twitter Thread: (6); References from the Thread: (7, 7.1, 8, 9)
  • Thread unroll of a reply to that Tweet, includes research previously done using graphene oxide and parasites for genetic research type purposes. Unroll: (6.1), Tweet: (6.2)

Cupping, ancient technique that may have special value in modern times.

Video of cupping technique post CoV injection, not for squeamish viewers, shows a shimmery black spot in the center of the collected/coagulated blood. A different video had voiceover explaining that the process needed to be done quickly after the injected material is given, within 30 minutes, so it would need to be arranged in advance with someone knowledgeable about the technique.

Search term to check for a local provider: hijama therapy. An acupuncture practitioner might offer hijama cupping.

Dry cupping is used to increase circulation, no cuts are made in the skin, the vacuum pressure affect with a series of cups may help increase circulation along that area of the body. Wet cupping has a series of shallow cuts made at the cupping location to withdraw blood under pressure. (6) That is more like the traditional field method for sucking out snake bite toxins.

Chinese cupping vaccine BLOOD removal shows vax turns blood into CLOTTED JELLY.

Nature provides many anti-parasitics which are also protective in other ways, they protect the plants! Graphene oxide too? Parasites too?

Plants make phytonutrients and nutrients in order to protect themselves from parasites and oxidative stress. Many help against a variety of pathogens and are anti-inflammatory. Most help promote Nrf2, which helps with immune function and our own antioxidant production. Low levels of Nrf2 was associated with more severe Covid19. [ref to add] Healing from an infection is one thing, early treatment of many types does help against CoV infection, however the CoV injections are telling the body to make the toxic chimeric spike protein – and put it on cell surfaces. The spike is a little velcro like and tends to cause cell clustering and then the membranes may fuse so it is a multi-nucleated mass, synctia.

The injections also contain graphene oxide and live parasite like objects have been found in several samples, from different brands. Random bad sterile technique would result in a variety of species of different types, not one specific type, that happens to be used in genetic research – in my opinion at least. Add up all the bad and the risk of the blood changes, immune cell damage – too great a risk to expect phytonutrients to help.

However they can indeed help – just will it be enough? No experimental potentially deadly product seems safest. However life is full of risk, and stuff already happened – the anti-parasitics are also anti-virals and anti-cancer and seem to help autoimmune disease. The same property is involved – the phytonutrient carries zinc to an iron rich cell and delivers it, where it disrupts protein replication and stops an infected cell from replicating the pathogen, stops a cancer cell from replicating, or stops an autoimmune cell from doing whatever might be going on – or it might be acting as an iron chelator in that case and binding excess electrically active free iron.

The same anti-parasitic medication or phytonutrient frequently can help parasitic, or viral, or cancer, (4), or autoimmune disease – in part because it is also an iron chelator and excess iron is involved in the inflammatory and/or infectious process.

Many anti-parasitics are also iron chelators conveniently – helping with two problems that may be involved in spike infection or injection related issues. Severe infection or inflammation causes a change in iron from hemoglobin where it might be easier for pathogens to access, into cellular storage as ferritin or free iron. If this reaction is too severe then the body can’t cope with the electrically active iron – it is oxidative – it causes rust – we can’t Rustoleum our insides? or can we? We can with help from nature, iron chelators bind the electrically active iron into a non-damaging inactive form, and the plant world contains many phytonutrients with the ability to bind iron (or zinc, most are also zinc ionophores).

Iron chelators that are also anti-parasitic include: EGCG (green tea, 2-3 cups ~ 200 mg, pomegranate peel, I use 1/4 teaspoon of the inner peel dehydrated about twice a day), quercetin (onion, pear skin, figs, greens, citrus peel), artemisinin (Wormwood species, mugwort), berberine (Goldenseal and other herbals), black walnut extract, (ref), olive leaf extract, clove oil, (ref), oregano oil, resveratrol (grape skin extract, red wine), (ref), N-actyl-cysteine, NAC, (an amino acid found in most protein rich foods in animal or plant based diets – get adequate protein anyway!) – for example.

Clove oil also has nitric oxide (“NO*“) scavenging ability: “Furthermore, the essential oil inhibited Fe(2+) and SNP-induced MDA production and exhibited antioxidant activities through their NO*, OH*, scavenging and Fe(2+)- chelating abilities.” (ref)

Black walnut extract is made from the outer green husks that protect the inner walnut that we are more used to seeing – think of it as being similar to the outer rind of the pomegranate peel – very bitter, very potent, high in tannins which are medicinal in small amounts and can be used to tan animal hide into usable leather in large amounts. It is protecting the inner seed that the plant is trying to grow for the next generation of plants.

The phytonutrient in the black walnut extract, juglone, is something to use carefully as it can act as an anti-oxidant or a pro-oxidant, so dosing may need to be within a narrow range. However it may be worth working out an optimal dose as it can also protect against the protein misfolding problem seen in Alzheimer’s dementia. (ref, graphic of juglone’s benefits/mechanism of action)

Artemesia species (over 500) are mostly all anti-parasitic. The best known include: Artemesia absenthium (called Wormwood) contains thujone which can be a deadly seizure risk in excess, and the tea is very bitter. Artemesia annua (called Sweet Wormwood or Sweet Annie) is less bitter as tea and does not contain thujone. It is used to extract artemisinin. The absenthium or mugwort, Artemesia vulgaris is also a source of artemisinin. Other anti-malaria phytonutrients must be present also, as Artemesia afra (ref) is said to be safer for women of child-bearing years because it is not a source of artemisinin, which can be inflammatory in excess, or long term use. (anecdotal conversation) Other phytonutrients in wormwood species are beneficial and anti-inflammatory.

Tea – use a heaping teaspoon of Sweet Wormwood for a cup of hot water, ~ 180’F) let steep for a few minutes. Use less, one level teaspoon possibly if making tea with Artemesia absenthium.

Other anti-parasitics include: black walnut extract, Diatomaceous Earth, garlic, nicotine, and topically for skin fungal infection, but not nails or scalp, undecylenic acid. The high dose niacin protocol, plus cofactors, would also help the body remove parasites or other cellular debris or pathogens.

NAC, N-acetyl cysteine can also help with infection and graphene oxide (GO) removal. Bentonite clay may help with GO removal also.

Other Iron Chelators include: Lactoferrin (a raw milk product, may be not be an allergy risk, check it)

Niacin/Melatonin Protocol by Dmitry Kats, Ph.D; for How-To’s and Cautions, for starting the high dose niacin protocol, see: Niacin, & early treatment in general for SARS-CoV-2 is sensible, reduces hospitalization and mortality rate. (

Disclaimer: Information is being shared for educational purposes within the guidelines of Fair Use and is not intended to provide individual guidance. Please seek individual health care providers for individual health care guidance.

Reference List

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  5. George Soros and Bill Gates Part of Team Purchasing COVID-19 Test Company.,
  6. Thread unroll of a reply to that Tweet, includes research previously done using graphene oxide and parasites for genetic research type purposes.
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  9. Parasitic Organism Dubbed “The Thing” Found in COVID Vaccines | Dr. Franc Zalewski: “That’s Why There’s Graphene Added Inside the Vaccines, Which Nourishes the Egg”
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  6. Premier Spine and Sports, Blog, The Difference Between Dry Cupping and Wet Cupping.,