Aloe Vera for pox conditions or other skin issues. Subscribe or view my latest work at Substack

Aloe vera is a succulent cactus with mucilaginous gel in the leaves. The gel is edible but is also valued topically for skin health – helping with cosmetic or healing needs. (Original post on Substack, subscribe there for emails of my latest posts – free is available)

Addition: Aloe vera can help with a burn too, after ice water has reduced the initial burning sensation. Keep ice water freshened and in use fairly continually for a burn as it reduces tissue damage. As long as the new burn feels like it is a ‘burning pain’ – it is still burning – causing more damage. Keeping it iced will reduce the severity of the burn and may prevent blistering. Pox type conditions can be treated similarly – prevent it from getting as severe by treating early and by Not Scratching the Itch!

An aloe vera that had been maintained for many years in a tiny pot. I gave it fresh dirt and a bigger pot – twice, and it keeps growing bigger. Aloe vera plants are happy to grow given some water, but not flooded, and it likes quite a bit of sun rather than being a full shade tropical houseplant. It may get scorched going from a low light setting into direct outdoor sunlight though.

“Most survivalists know the benefit of keeping certain plants around to help prepare for a crisis.

However, many often overlook aloe vera. Aloe vera is an extremely hardy plant.

Native to the rugged southern states, aloe vera can be grown with little water, withstands severe abuse, and grows hardily without requiring much attention. Because Aloe Vera plants are very succulent and consist of 95 percent water, they are extremely frost tender.” Read more:

  • The varied uses of aloe vera, a survival story; Southwest Flavors, by Cecilia Moody, March 17, 2017, (

Aloe vera is soothing on burns and has been a medicinal herb for ages. It can help reduce puffiness around the eyes and may also help hemorrhoids. Aloe may help with sunburn, razor burn, or as a shaving gel. It may help strengthen nails when applied to the nails regularly. Digestively, it can help repair gut health or ulcers and supports the microbiome species ability to make vitamin B12. It is also a good source of vitamin B’s, C, and E. Aloe may help with hair frizziness and with scalp health or against dandruff. Use three times a day on patches of psoriasis and studies have shown it may help the autoimmune based skin condition. (

  • Aloe vera for psoriasis – it has been used in combination with propolis. (Brave AI summary)

“Aloe Vera works amazing for treating psoriasis!

I’ve suffered from scalp psoriasis for over 15 years. In efforts to move AWAY from prescriptions I’ve looked into natural treatments for psoriasis and came across aloe vera. Scraping the gel from the inside of the plant is a bit of a pain (I may buy pure gel soon) but so far it is cheap and IT WORKS!” (reddit)

I relate to the commenter’s excitement – after living with a problem for years, and trying a bunch of ‘medications’ which didn’t help, it is WONDERFUL, to find something that helps with the pain and swelling and itch of non-healing eczema. It wasn’t until CoV era that I learned an excess of active vitamin A was part of my years of non-healing eczema. Simply restricting vitamin A and carotenoids allowed my skin to grow. Reduced detox of the active form may be part of my risk I learned recently, not just an excess of activation.

Aloe vera gel is available in ‘cosmetic’ preparations that include preservatives – I have used that but was not impressed with the price or the product although the tube was easy to use. Or look for bottles of the gel or juice available as a pure food or beverage – that is the type I use on my skin or in foods. (Lily of the Desert brand, unaffiliated link, I have no idea if it is a good site.) I’ve added it to a thick pudding after the cooking phase to make a thinner, ‘raw’, aloe containing dessert.

(Lily of the Desert brand, unaffiliated link, I have no idea if it is a good site.)

‘Pubmed’ added to the Brave search suggests that commercial preparations may not be that helpful for psoriasis, or whatever type or amount that the studies used, was not very effective. They are recommending at least a 5% solution – so that is not much compared to my use of 100% fresh leaf gel. (Brave AI summary 2)

I tried some of the fresh aloe gel on my skin from the piece I broke for the photos, and I found that fresh may be best. It seemed even more helpful than my bottled (edible) gel that I have been using for several years. On a more sun sensitive area, it stung a little and I quickly followed up the fresh aloe with some black seed oil and the combination was soothing and my skin where I used it feels great today. Sun sensitive areas on my arms and throat tend to be where pox show up for me – on the torso is typical per (

“24. Shingles: Shingles which is the adult version of chickenpox, usually occurs in adults with a low immune system. Aloe Vera can be used on painful shingles caused by the herpes virus [or Varicella zoster virus]. By applying aloe directly on the open sores, it dilates the blood vessels, which aids in healing the wounds.” (

With cool compresses and black seed oil/aloe vera treatment, my 2022 shingles pox flattened out and went away in just a couple days without ever forming a blister or bursting into an open sore. My worse ‘sunburn pox’ started out blistered and were painful for about a week or two.

Switching gears to – Monkey/shingles/chicken/smallpox,

Jennifer Depew, R.D. · August 27, 2022,

Read full story

*Some plants that are sold or called ‘Aloe vera’ may not be the medicinal version. Doublecheck what you have. The picture below is spikier than my own Aloe vera lant which is in the other photos.

Cool compress or aloe for sunburn pox?

Cool compress or aloe for sunburn pox?,

Jennifer Depew, R.D. · September 3, 2022,

Read full story

By Sept. 21, 2022, I must have been recovered because I mention shingles as something in the past in this brief post encouraging people to take the hyperinflammation of modern life seriously, as it can make the culling tactics more likely to work against you.

Take hyperinflammation seriously.

Jennifer Depew, R.D. · September 21, 2022

Read full story

Simply break off a leaf of aloe vera and scrape out the gel like interior. Use immediately or store in the refrigerator for a week or so in an airtight container.

Aloe vera gel within a freshly cut leaf (spiky succulent ‘leaf’ which can have sharp spikes but doesn’t have ‘cactus needles’.

The leaf can be cut and split open and rubbed directly on a patch of skin, like a wet wipe from Mother Nature. Follow that with a diluted essential oil of your choice or simply massage oil.

Aloe provides the water, the oil afterwards seals in the moisture with a fatty layer which helps prevent moisture loss from the skin.

Aloe vera leaf, sliced open for use.

2024 MPox series:

Previous posts on this topic have other self-care tips including how I used black seed oil for ‘shingles’ in 2022.

I made this series into a document with a clickable Table of Contents. ( pdf)

  1. “Mpox clade” – our new disease X is still Monkeypox, but elevated IgG4 and VAIDS following CoV jabs may be the real cause of a pox ‘epidemic’. “Mpox clade” may have PCR testing & Trojan Horse jabs on the way . . . Do not comply. Clearly, preserving human health is not really the goal. Aug. 17, 2024, (Substack)
  2. GoF history on Monkeypox & a better Lysine/arginine ratio reduces risk of shingles or Herpes – and CoV in my own case. Also, food sources of arginine and lysine and spirulina might help herpes too and African geranium. Aug. 19, 2024, (Substack)
  3. Mpox jabs are dangerous and may be deadly for people with VAIDS/AIDS or eczema. Passive exposure from jabbed people to those at risk may also be sharing the adverse reaction risk to the unjabbed person. Heart disease and eye conditions are also contraindicated for the Mpox jabs. Aug. 20, 2024, (Substack)
  4. Mpox part 4 – Geert says no one should be getting the Mpox jabs, roughly. And more natural health aids via Pat on Telegram, thanks!, Aug. 22, 2024, (Substack)
  5. History of Monkeypox & more recent GoF research on Monkeypox – See this post – and say NO to any more injections including the ones that will be pushed for the alleged Monkeypox outbreak. Aug. 25, 2024, (Substack)
  6. Pox and VAIDS, a summary self-care post; Lab tests, commonly used medications, herbal and diet support and other self-care strategies are included. Summarizing the IgG4 & VAIDS connection is a large topic and is not included yet. Aug. 25, 2024, (Substack)

Mpox Summary and Series in a document with clickable Table of Contents for level one and two headings, pdf.

Disclaimer This information is being shared for educational purposes within the guidelines of Fair Use and is not intended to provide individual health guidance.

Treatments vs ‘a cure’ – flashback to 2020

Vitamin C and Intravenous Vitamin C/Thiamine therapy for cytokine storm are treatments that have a long history of safe and effective use. In early 2020 even vitamin C was getting discredited by the media and FDA as helpful and allowed treatments for Covid19. The post Treatments vs ‘a cure’ was a response to online bickering about there being no ‘cure’ for Covid19 – the implication being it is wrong to talk about how vitamin C can help then.

Vitamin C is an essential nutrient for vascular health and most everything else in a functioning body, indirectly if not directly.

Treatment is about providing all of the care a person needs when their health function is over stressed and possibly dysfunctional in some ways due to inflammation or infection effects. Treatment is well rounded to support various needs and reduce various symptoms.

Looking for a single ‘cure’ is a medical model viewpoint, based on the success of antibiotics, but also the success in early research days when finding and providing vitamin C was a fairly quick “cure” for scurvy – a deadly disease that was found to be “Vitamin C deficiency“. In that case the treatment was the cure. Vitamin D for rickets was also an early wonder cure that helped children grow up with straight and strong leg bones. Vitamin D fortification of milk and infant formula helped reverse that trend. Sadly scurvy is still occurring occasionally and medical professionals miss the diagnosis and simple cure – provide vitamin C.

Scurvy – severe vitamin C deficiency: “The modern doctor must keep this ancient disease in mind, as it presents insidiously with debilitating repercussions, particularly in older people who are at a higher risk. It is easily treatable once detected.” (1)

In the post Treatments vs ‘a cure’, I took a close look at a molecular docking study (3) that had grouped potential inhibitors for SARS-CoV-2 infection or replication into seven categories. I found that my selfcare treatments covered six of the seven categories, and citrus peel alone was potentially helping my infection selfcare in five of the seven ways. In total though I was using many items included in six of the seven categories. (3) SARS-CoV-2 can enter cells in many ways and spreads by exosomes – making many strategies necessary to block it or stop infected cells from remaining a latent infection.

The seven categories:

  1. PLpro inhibitors: “hesperidin and neohesperidin…might be the potential 3CLpro inhibitors and could probably be used for treating SARS-CoV-2.” (3) Citrus peel is a source of hesperidin and neohesperidin and vitamin C – L(+)-Ascorbic acid, quercetinoids, and other bioflavonoids like rutin. (13); Riboflavin-vitamin B2; Silybin – Milk Thistle; “epigallocatechin gallate, [EGCG]…exhibited high binding affinity to PLpro protein, suggesting the potential utility of these compounds in the treatment of SARS-CoV-2.” (3) EGCG – pomegranate peel and/or green tea. EGCG also acts as a zinc ionophore when zinc is available. (11); (–)- Rosmarinic acid – rosemary.
  2. 3C-like main protease (3CLpro) inhibitors: metabolite of riboflavin, Flavin mononucleotide, which a high dose vitamin B2 supplement might provide as the metabolite; Lutein – kale and other vegetables; and also hesperidin, neohesperidin, and rosmarinic acid.
  3. RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) inhibitors: silybin – Milk Thistle.
  4. Helicase (Nsp13) inhibitors: hesperidin, neohesperidin and other flavonoids. “The natural products, such as many flavanoids from different sources (α-glucosyl hesperidin, hesperidin, rutin, quercetagetin 6-O-β-D-glucopyranoside and homovitexin), …showed high binding affinity to this target.” (3) Rutin is found in green and black tea and a few other foods. Quercetagetin… seems to be a form of quercetin, which also can act as a zinc ionophore, (11) and is in citrus and pomegranate peel and many plants. Homovitexin is also called isovitexin and is found in cannabis and flaxseed and in a few other foods. (4)
  5. Targets inhibiting virus structural proteins: hesperidin, and “licoflavonol from Glycyrrhiza uralensis” -non DGL licorice root. “By superimposing the ACE2–RBD complex to the hesperidin–RBD complex, a distinct overlap of hesperidin with the interface of ACE2 could be observed (Fig. 6C), suggesting hesperidin may disrupt the interaction of ACE2 with RBD [the RBD section of the SPIKE protein]. ” (3)
  6. Targets inhibiting virulence factor: did not include any that I was taking.
  7. Targets blocking host specific receptor or enzymesneohesperidin and hesperidin from Citrus aurantium again, the two phytonutrients are also in the peel of other citrus species. (5) “The natural products, such as phyllaemblicin G7 from Phyllanthus emblica, xanthones from the plants of Swertiagenus, neohesperidin and hesperidin from Citrus aurantium, exhibited potentially high binding affinity to ACE2 protein. ” (3

Hesperidin is in five of the seven categories; neohesperidin in four; and riboflavin, silybin and rosmarinic acid might help in two ways. Pomegranate peel phytonutrients likely also can help in numerous ways.

Treatments are needed for multifactorial problems, and SARS-CoV-2 or chimeric spike effects include multiple routes of possible harm. To ‘cure’ this – we need many treatments.

Disclaimer: This information is provided for educational purposes within the guidelines of fair use. While I am a Registered Dietitian this information is not intended to provide individual health guidance. Please see a health professional for individual health care purposes.

Reference List

  1. Callus CA, Vella S, Ferry P. Scurvy is Back. Nutr Metab Insights. 2018 Nov 21;11:1178638818809097. doi: 10.1177/1178638818809097. PMID: 30479485; PMCID: PMC6249652.
  2. J Depew, Treatments vs ‘a cure’, April 3, 2020,,
  3. Canrong Wu, Yang Liu, Yueying Yang, et al., Analysis of therapeutic targets for SARS-CoV-2 and discovery of potential drugs by computational methods. Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B, 27 February 2020, * the genetic structure of the SARS-CoV(2) virus more closely matches the first, 2003, SARS-CoV virus in the way it can enter at ACE2 Receptors than it resembles the genetic structure of the coronavirus from bats native to China. There has also not been research support of the theory that the bat virus can infect humans as the shape does not fit the human ACE2 receptor: “…4 among the 5 most important amino acids (L465, L495, Y502, D510, and H514) that bind to ACE2 12 in Bat-CoV RaTG13 differ from SARS-CoV-2 (Fig. 3C). And there is no related research literature about whether Bat-CoV RaTG13 can infect human yet.”
  4. The other numbered references are on the original post. See 2 above.

Falseness of research – JPA Ioannidis, 2015

Dr. Robert Malone more recently published an article summarizing how media and research have added to wrong information being spread and believed about Covid19.

Phil Harper, of The Digger Substack & new podcast, did an interview with Pierre Kory, MD, a doctor with the Frontline doctors working to help CoV patients. He uses Ivermectin successfully and discusses the difficulties and biased or false research that has been used to discredit use of a medication with a long and safe history – including a Nobel Prize. Towards the end of the interview he also points out that all effective treatments and dietary supports have been suppressed or discredited. He goes further to say it is a long history of the same fraud to support pharmaceuticals and suppression of effective low budget care. The suppression of side effects of psychiatric and other medications was also mentioned. To listen you do need to be a paid or free trial subscriber. (Phil Harper/Substack/The Digger)

John P.A. Ioannidis reviews research about bias and other effects that seem to do with competitiveness in a field of study – who will be first? Larger group numbers and larger effects tend to be more accurate than studies with small group size which found minimally significant effects. Financial interest in the outcome of the study also seems to impact reliability of the results of the funded research.

Why Most Published Research Findings Are False – Abstract, Summary

There is increasing concern that most current published research findings are false. The probability that a research claim is true may depend on study power and bias, the number of other studies on the same question, and, importantly, the ratio of true to no relationships among the relationships probed in each scientific field. In this framework, a research finding is less likely to be true when the studies conducted in a field are smaller; when effect sizes are smaller; when there is a greater number and lesser preselection of tested relationships; where there is greater flexibility in designs, definitions, outcomes, and analytical modes; when there is greater financial and other interest and prejudice; and when more teams are involved in a scientific field in chase of statistical significance.

Simulations show that for most study designs and settings, it is more likely for a research claim to be false than true. Moreover, for many current scientific fields, claimed research findings may often be simply accurate measures of the prevailing bias.

In this essay, I discuss the implications of these problems for the conduct and interpretation of research.

Citation: Ioannidis JPA (2005) Why Most Published Research Findings Are False. PLoS Med 2(8): e124.

Published: August 30, 2005, Copyright: © 2005 John P. A. Ioannidis. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Meme shared by Dr. Malone recently in an email newsletter.

Regarding manipulation in media in Germany/Europe, a file from Wikileaks is in German, papers about or by Gunter Wallraff, German author and undercover journalist (

Disclaimer: This information is provided for educational purposes within the guidelines of fair use. While I am a Registered Dietitian this information is not intended to provide individual health guidance. Please see a health professional for individual health care purposes.

History of covert science by Nazi’s – Operation Paperclip & more recent AIDS/Ebola research.

Two videos are worth viewing and considering as a set – what does the early history have to do with the more recent history? Hard to know if names and histories of individual scientists was changed during Operation Paperclip.

See: Annie Jacobsen, “Operation Paperclip”, Politics and Prose, Youtube channel.

Annie Jacobsen, “Operation Paperclip”, Politics an Prose, Youtube.

See: Dr Horowitz, HiV and Ebola GOF history in US research:

Also of interest:

While a search for the quote “The modern media is a pastiche of sex and soft eroticism.” did not find the article, it did show there is a problem that people have noticed and written about. (variation of the search) Totalitarian takeover of a nation generally includes breaking down traditional family partnerships and increasing the exploitation and discrimination of females. See the post: Mass Psychosis and Totalitarian Takeover.

Fluoride being added to the public water was a strategy used in prisons in some places to increase docility and decrease sex drive. Moderately low iodine can cause approximately a 15 IQ point decrease in intelligence, which iodine supplements may improve unless it was since prenatal development. Low iodine also causes apathy, depression and fatigue.

I am not sure of the source, this is not the same missing 404 page link. I was searching for my series of screenshots of that article and found this one first.

While I didn’t find that article either, Can the Dumbing Down of America be Traced to Fluoridation? ( is on a similar topic from a more academic perspective. From a dietitian perspective the answer is a strong “Yes“. We now have 3 and a half generations of US citizens born with a possible deficiency of iodine in ratio to the competitive halides in our water, food and medications: fluoride and bromide; and environmental perchlorates (low doses even can affect thyroid function, perchlorates).

Repetitive messaging, nutrient deficiencies, and modern toxins in the food supply and medications are all adding up to a public that is easily manipulated for the purpose of control by some covert internationally linked group.

At some point when the evidence suggests that killers are in charge, it would make sense to stop cooperating with being slowly and painfully maimed and killed. It appears that the US lost WWII by being infiltrated in advance. Related post: Against Our Better Judgement, a book summary.

Disclaimer: This information is provided for educational purposes within the guidelines of fair use. While I am a Registered Dietitian this information is not intended to provide individual health guidance. Please see a health professional for individual health care purposes.