Transparency – of currency change & possibly control – theories of a financial industry author.

Catherine Austin Fitts Full Interview, interview by Ray Traylor on Vimeo.

Catherine Austin Fitts has financial industry experience and presents a case for financial changes to be part of the goal of the pandemic response in some developed nations. Digital IDs could be tied to bank accounts and be used as a form of social control of citizens. This seems far-fetched except many far-fetched things have been happening instead of a normal public health response to an epidemic.

Inducing fear may be to reduce resistance to the Lockdown rules and destruction of small businesses and wage worker’s income.

We are being manipulated by government and media messaging techniques and the inciting of fear. Early treatments are available and helping around the world – there is no reason they couldn’t help in the US and other developed nations too.

Methods of opinion manipulation tactics are listed in this Twitter Thread:

  • Fractionation: You get them to do something not once, but again and again, increasing the level of intensity each time. Usually you do this 3 times (note: we’ve have 3 lockdowns). This increases compliance – you’re much more likely to get them to do whatever you want (2)
  • A ‘Yes’ set: Get them to say ‘Yes’ to something small at first (2 weeks to “flatten the curve”) then gradually increase (months of lockdown, Christmas cancelled, socially/economically coerced into vaccines). In this way they’re much more likely to keep saying yes (3)
  • Confusion: Keep them in a constant state of uncertainty. The conscious mind responds by ‘going offline’ as it searches for the appropriate response for something it has no precedent for. Then it’s much easier for the manipulator to gain access to the unconscious mind… (4)
  • … and change belief systems. For example, lockdown rules are changing on practically a day-to-day basis; we’re living in a world we’ve never lived in before, everyone’s stumbling about with no idea how to behave. We’ve no energy left to fight our oppressors (5)
  • Repetition: Repeat the same information over and over (see any newspaper / TV news for evidence of this!) (6)
  • Illusion of Choice: Make them believe they’re in control by giving them 2 choices, both of which lead to the same result. For example, ‘Do you want the Pfeizer or the Oxford?’ or ‘You can choose to be good or bad. Bad = more lockdown. Good = more lockdown.’ (7)
  • Social Proof“: Images and videos of film and TV stars, musicians and sportsmen and women receiving their jab. “Look, all these great celebrities are backing it!” (8)
  • Scarcity“: “You’ll have to wait your turn for the vaccine… we might be running out!”, to create a surge in people booking in for their jab, thus increasing uptake (9). – (@miss_anthrop75)
  • Neuro-Linguistic Programming: Milton Model(

Using advertising strategies to manipulate a consumer’s behavior is wrong when used for promoting an experimental product that has unknown long-term risks. “First do no harm” and “Informed Consent” need to be an individual’s choice, not a government’s or a place of employment.

The spike protein itself may be the harm, leading to changes in the body that mimic early aging: “premature immunosenescence.” Detected in Covid19 survivors rather than people who got the mRNA gene treatments, however there are scientists concerned about similarities in adverse reactions to the treatments and COVID19 symptoms.

Infection may be increasing need for zinc which might be okay or low to begin with, especially in older adults, but more zinc is needed by the infection process for any age person. Children younger than ~ten usually have the best T-cell immunity, which requires zince and thymus gland function. As we get older the thymus gland function is reduced but suplementing with extra zinc has helped restore some thymus gland function in aging, in an animal based study. (1)

Zinc and immunosenescence” (1)

  • Ageing is a continuous multidimensional process of physical, psychological and social changes that compromises the normal functioning of various organs and systems, including several immunological alterations named immunosenescence, which is characterised by increased susceptibility to infections, autoimmune diseases and cancer (Pawelec et al. 2010).
  • The immune efficiency decreases with advancing aging, starting around 60–65 years.
  • Alterations of the immune system during ageing and zinc deprivation show many similarities, indicating the existence of a strict relationship between immunosenescence and zinc deficiency (Mocchegiani et al. 1998; Bogden 2004). The similarity is in adaptive and innate immunity as well as in neutrophil functions (chemotaxis, phagocytosis, oxidative burst).
  • Although the total number of neutrophils is not different between old and young-adult subjects, phagocytosis, oxidative burst, and intracellular killing are impaired in ageing and neutrophils from the elderly show reduced chemotaxis and a lower resistance to apoptosis, as shown by impaired anti-apoptotic effects after specific stimuli (lipopolysaccharide (LPS), G-CSF and GM-CSF) (Schroder and Rink 2003).
  • In this context, zinc may play a key role because a satisfactory intracellular zinc ion bioavailability preserves the oxidative burst by neutrophils, via reduction of IL-6 signalling, as observed in centenarians, who in turn display satisfactory intracellular zinc content and low grade of inflammation (Moroni et al. 2005).
  • 1. Mocchegiani E, Romeo J, Malavolta M, et al. Zinc: dietary intake and impact of supplementation on immune function in elderly. Age (Dordr). 2013;35(3):839-860. doi:10.1007/s11357-011-9377-3

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